Leo Buscaglia once said “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” The recordings that LC makes allow people in a life crisis to leave behind their advice and most cherished memories, giving their family and friends a way of remembering and reliving the moments they had together. I started working at Life Chronicles at the beginning of this school year, and to tell you the truth it was only because I needed the internship hours. But over the past 9 months, LC has become much more to me than just an internship. My first taping was of a woman named Janice who was dying and wanted to leave her memories behind for her family and friends. I thought it was going to be horribly depressing but it was far from that. Talking about her life and her memories brought joy to her face, and it was obvious that she had no regrets and felt no bitterness about dying. This was what it was like at every taping I went to. Sure there may have been sadness, but the people LC tapes just want to talk about their life and give advice to the people they are leaving behind. The tapings that we do help not only those being taped or the ones that will eventually be left behind, it also helps the people, like me, actually doing the taping. I have learned some of the best life lessons from the people that I have taped through LC. I learned from Janice to not hold back and to just live life to the fullest, because you never know what will happen. I learned from Frankie and Tap that it takes two people to get through a tough situation. Frankie has a hard time doing things physically, so what she can’t do, Tap helps her with. And Tap has a hard time remembering, so Frankie does the remembering for him. Father Virgil taught me the most important lesson that I have learned, and that is to not take anything for granted and to enjoy every moment you have with your loved ones. Since working at LC, I am much more appreciative of the sacrifices my parents have made to give me a good life, and I cherish every moment I have with them. I know that someday they, too, will be gone, and I know that my memories of them will be postive; just like those who were left behind who can watch the recording of their loved ones and remember their smile, their laughter, and even their tears.
Much love,
“Speech Emma gave at our Closets for a Cause 2008 dinner and fashion show”